LAMSAMA Reports Operational Readiness of Accreditation Process to Directorate of Institutional Affairs

Depok, LAMSAMA – Following the latest progress report from the Independent Accreditation Institution, Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA), it was reported to the Directorate of Institutional Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology on Friday (July 15).

Five New Independent Accreditation Institutions Ready for Operation

Snapshot of the audience during the launch of the five new accreditation institutions. The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek) in collaboration with the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education...

Ready for Operation, LAMSAMA Inaugurates New Office

Depok, LAMSAMA – After its official launch alongside four other independent accreditation institutions (LAMs) on Friday, December 31, 2021, the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) held an inauguration ceremony for its new office on Thursday (March 9). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mitra Djamal, IPU., the Executive Director...

BAN-PT Conducts Visitation to Assess Operational Readiness of LAMSAMA

Depok, LAMSAMA – As a newly established accreditation institution, the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) is continuously striving for improvement before its official operations commence. To that end, the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) conducted an assessment of LAMSAMA’s operational readiness at the...

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