Depok, LAMSAMA – The Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) has received the Internal Auditor Report from KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Rekan on May 23rd.
The audit was conducted on the financial statements of LAMSAMA, which include the balance sheet as of December 31, 2022, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in net assets, and cash flow statement for the year ended on that date.
KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Rekan, together with the management of LAMSAMA during the financial audit.
According to the opinion of KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Rekan, the attached financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Institution as of December 31, 2022, as well as its financial performance and cash flows for that year, in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia.
Based on the statement, it can be concluded that the opinion provided falls under the category of Unqualified Opinion or Without Exceptions, indicating a high level of confidence in LAMSAMA’s financial statements.
“In the preparation of its financial statements, the management of LAMSAMA is responsible for assessing the Institution’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing conditions related to the going concern, and using accounting policies that are appropriate to the going concern,” said Dr. Dra. Melania Suweni Muntini, M.T., Vice Director of Finance of LAMSAMA.
The financial statements were prepared by KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Rekan, who communicated with the supervisor regarding the planned scope and schedule of the audit, and discussed any significant definitions of internal controls identified during the audit process.
With this internal auditor report, LAMSAMA can obtain certainty about its financial condition and performance and ensure that applicable accounting standards have been properly applied.
“This report is an important step in maintaining transparency and accountability for LAMSAMA as an independent accreditation institution,” said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Drs. Ir. Mitra Djamal, IPU. ASEAN Eng., Director of the Executive Council of LAMSAMA. (id)