LAMSAMA Officially Joins International Accreditation Association INQAAHE

Depok, January 25, 2024 – LAMSAMA has officially become a full member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a prestigious international accreditation association, as of January 23, 2024. This membership marks a significant milestone in LAMSAMA’s commitment to upholding international standards in higher...

LAMSAMA Conducts Socialization on the Implementation of Permendikbud Ristek No. 53/2023 and Its Policies

Depok, LAMSAMA — In an effort to enhance the quality of higher education in Indonesia, LAMSAMA organized a socialization event on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, regarding the implementation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation Number 53 of 2023. The event was specifically attended by professional...

Finalization of Accreditation Submission Documents for 2024

Finalization of Accreditation Submission Documents for 2024. In relation to the conclusion of the LAMSAMA accreditation process in the year 2023, we would like to inform the Study Program Management Units (UPPS) that the Finalization of Documents in the LAMSAMA Accreditation System (SALAM) can be resumed starting from January...

Termination of the International Accreditation Conversion Process

Termination of the International Accreditation Conversion Process In accordance with BAN PT Regulation No. 10 of 2023, we inform you that as of October 5, 2023, LAMSAMA will no longer accept applications for equivalence (conversion) of the Superior Accreditation rating for study programs that have accredited status from an...

Executive Board of LAMSAMA and Participants Attend Accreditation Socialization in LLDIKTI Regions V and XVI
Vinanda Hayuning Sukma

Depok, LAMSAMA – In an effort to introduce the Independent Accreditation Agency for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA), a series of socialization events for study program accreditation were held at the Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI) in regions XVI and V, on July 11 and 12, 2023, respectively....

LAMSAMA has achieved an “WTP” Opinion in the 2022 Financial Audit

Depok, LAMSAMA – The Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) has received the Internal Auditor Report from KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Rekan on May 23rd. The audit was conducted on the financial statements of LAMSAMA, which include the balance sheet as of December 31,...

LAMSAMA Successfully Holds AK Luring for The First Time Simultaneously

Joint Photo of the Executive Directors and Assessor of LAMSAMA. Depok, LAMSAMA – After the selection of Advisors in 2023, the Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) conducted a synchronous Offline Sufficiency Assessment (AK) activity for two days starting on Friday (9/6). The event took...

LAMSAMA Announces Selected Assessors for 2023

Depok, LAMSAMA – Following a seven-day Training for Prospective Assessors conducted by the Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) from Monday (6/3) to Monday (20/3), LAMSAMA has finalized the selection of assessors for the year 2023. Picture of the participants of the Training for Prospective...

LAMSAMA Facilitates Conversion of International Accreditation to LAMSAMA Accreditation

  Programs under the supervision of the Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) can now convert their international accreditations to LAMSAMA accreditations. To initiate the process, College Leaders can submit a Letter of Request for Conversion of Program Accreditation Results from an International Accreditation Institution...

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