LAMSAMA Officially Joins International Accreditation Association INQAAHE

Depok, January 25, 2024 – LAMSAMA has officially become a full member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a prestigious international accreditation association, as of January 23, 2024. This membership marks a significant milestone in LAMSAMA’s commitment to upholding international standards in higher...

LAMSAMA Holds On-Site AK Assessment to Accelerate Accreditation Process

The Independent Accreditation Agency for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) conducted an on-site Accreditation Sufficiency Assessment (AK) to expedite the accreditation process for various academic programs. The event, which took place over three days starting Thursday, November 7, in Surabaya, also addressed the importance of ethics codes and...


CHANGE OF UPLOAD SCHEDULE FOR PROGRAM ACCREDITATION DOCUMENTS No. 35/LAMSAMA/II/2025 (Important Revision of LAMSAMA ANNOUNCEMENT No. 05/LAMSAMA/X/2024) Following up on the changes in Accreditation Process and Automation policies applicable to all accreditation bodies in Indonesia, including LAMSAMA, the following is hereby communicated, based on: Law No. 12 of 2012...

Financial Aid for Accreditation of Private Vocational Higher Education Institutions

The Directorate General of Vocational Education Distributes Financial Aid for Accreditation of Private Vocational Higher Education Institutions Depok, LAMSAMA – The Directorate General of Vocational Education, through the Directorate of Institutional and Human Resources for Vocational Higher Education, is providing concrete support to private vocational institutions across Indonesia. In...

LAMSAMA Achieves Unqualified Opinion in 2023 Financial Audit

Depok, LAMSAMA – The Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) has received an Internal Auditor’s Report from KAP Sriyadi Elly Sugeng & Partners, who audited their financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2023. According to the auditor’s report, LAMSAMA’s financial position at the...

LAMSAMA Successfully Conducts Simultaneous Offline AK in 2024

Depok, LAMSAMA – Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) successfully conducted its On-site Sufficiency Assessment (AK) activities simultaneously on April 26-27, 2024, in Tangerang. This event is a continuation of the limited recruitment of assessors carried out earlier this year. During this event, the Executive Director...

LAMSAMA and Its Efforts to Expand Internationally

Depok, LAMSAMA – Following its official membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), the Independent Accreditation Agency for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) is now intensifying its efforts for broader internationalization. This was reflected in the meeting and discussions held on Friday...

Appointed as Director General of Higher Education, Prof. Abdul Haris Ready to Drive the Transformation of Indonesian Education
Vinanda Hayuning Sukma

Depok, LAMSAMA – Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, a Professor in the field of Geophysics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI), and also the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at UI, was officially inaugurated as the Director General of Higher...

LAMSAMA Holds Training for Prospective Assessors 2024
Vinanda Hayuning Sukma

Depok, LAMSAMA – The Independent Accreditation Agency for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) begins 2024 by organizing the Prospective Assessor Training 2024. This training is a crucial step in maintaining the quality of higher education, particularly in the fields of natural sciences and formal sciences. The event spans...

LAMSAMA Ready to Enter Accreditation Transition Period with Automated Mechanisms
Vinanda Hayuning Sukma

Depok, LAMSAMA — The Independent Accreditation Institution for Science and Mathematics (LAMSAMA) has announced its readiness to enter a transitional period of accreditation with automated mechanisms in 2024. This initiative is a direct response to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic...

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Mulai sekarang dan segera rasakan kemudahan akreditasi bersama kami. Atau, hubungi kami apabila Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai produk yang bisa menjadi solusi bagi program Anda.